Thursday, September 25


Carter and Cooper had their check-ups together today.

Carter is doing great! No concerns, eating and pooping well. Today he weighed in at 6 lbs 8 oz. It is so interesting to see how different of a baby he is than Cooper was. I have been comparing a lot since they were born, don't know if that is because they are so close together or what, but Cooper was was just so much more fragile and un-alert it is amazing to see and realize all babies are different and what a difference a 100% healthy newborn can make.

Cooper had his 18 month check-up a couple weeks early. No vaccines today! He weighed in at 24.5 lbs. Also received a perfect bill of health.

1 comment:

The Harris Family said...

OH my goodness your family is beautiful! Congratulations I am so excited for you. I am so glad they are both doing great. Love the t-shirt that Coop has on and his paci - I am pretty sure his friend Logan will being sucking hard on his too when his brother arrives:) LOVE YOU!!!!