Monday, October 20

The "C" Word

Poor Poor Carter. We have had some very unconsolable evenings lately due to a knotted up stomach and have come to determine that Carter has Colic. We got some drops from the doctor today to help with the pain and discomfort he is going through. We did not have this with Cooper, so it is something new to figure out. It is very hard to not be able to make it better. I just feel so bad, hours spent holding him in different position and trying to make it not hurt and stop the crying. It's certainly a challenge for me as a Mom to not feel some how at fault, but I know there is nothing I did or can do except wait it out and try all little colic remedies thrown my way.

On another note: through the discomfort, Carter made great gains at his 4 week check-up today. He weighed in at 8lbs 11oz and is 21 in long. He looks so big to me already.

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