Patrick just returned from a 6 day business trip for a huge trade show in Orlando. The boys and I had a wonderful time, I think Cooper knows to be extra special good for me when his Dada is gone. He asked "Where's Da-da?" every day and night and was thrilled when he got to finally wake up to him home Monday morning. Here are a few things that went on while Patrick was gone.

Cooper learned to "drive"- j/k he loves to play in the car when we get home though

These two brothers love each other so much and seriously can not get enough of one another. Carter thinks Cooper is hilarious and Cooper is always making sure Carter is o.k. Cooper is smiling for the camera and saying "cheese" or geez as he likes to say.

Here they are again "playing" together and watching the rain outside while I straightened

And here is the newly painted living room. My husband absolutely hates to paint, so I thought I would not bother him with the task and go ahead and get it done, as well as satisfy my urge. How I pulled it off while I was at home with both kids I have no idea, but it turned out better than I had imagined. (
The color is Ralph Lauren Khaki and I have an unopened gallon if anyone is interested-haha).

One other funny thing Cooper learned while Patrick was gone is what a pirate says "arghhh". It is so stinkin' cute when you ask him.
I think one major thing that helps my days of one person parenting is the fact that Cooper is not bothered with jealousy over this little baby being around for all of our special times together at night. When I was pregnant, I imagined jealousy was going to be a big challenge, it seems our wishes of having two boys being best buds might not be too far-fetched.
The boys looks great and the room does too. I don't know how you do it.
It's just right for you.
Your a great painter! Logan loves to play in the car also - that is so funny. Everyday Logan asks me all day long, where's da-da, where's papa, where's mimi! I love this age. My littlest peanut is just that a peanut he smiles and laughs does not like the tummy time though! Carter really has his head up high. miss you!
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