Thursday, January 1

Is the New Year a New You?

Is setting a big huge goal part of your New Year's tradition? I usually do not set a New Year's resolution, not because I do not want to commit or fail or because there is nothing I want to improve, but I guess because throughout the year, every year, I am thinking about and working on ways to be a better person inside...and out (self improvement I guess you can call it). I suppose a resolution can just really be about reflecting on how you have done things in the past and how you can tweek it for the future- does not seem too hard and I am actually thinking of a list of things I could improve upon. Maybe it is a cop-out when I respond to the question "What is your New Year's Resolution" with a hesitant "I don't really have one". So, after all, I am going to say that one of my main goals for the New Year is that I want to READ MORE in 2009.......does that mean I just set a resolution?!?

We wish you all the best of health and happiness for the New Year 2009.

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