Cooper turns 2 this upcoming Saturday- seriously I thought at age 2 they were still supposed to be your baby. Boy was I incredibly wrong about that. This BOY is such a bright shining star, I could go on for days about his humor, charm, love, manners, cuteness, etc etc but I will let you look at these pics and be the judge. Patrick, unfortunately, will be on travel for Cooper's actual Birthday so we had a pre-celebration this Sunday where Patrick wanted Cooper to run free and do all the things an almost two year old boy LOVE's to do. He learned how to fly a kite (and Dada could not help him hold it of course), ran all over the beach, splashed in the ocean fully clothed, pulled his brother around in the wagon, ate the lunch of his choice (well at my favorite restaurant), and stayed outside until his hearts content.

Oh and an update, Cooper can jump now too- getting that second foot off the ground was a huge feat (no pun intended). There will be more to come throughout the week!
Happy Birthday Week Cooper!!!! We love you big 2 year old boy! xoxoxoxo(from each of us)!
I told you,you had two smart sons,but of course they have two great parentsto teash them.
Love Grandmom Pike
Happy B'day Cooper....i can't wait to see this guy next month. Last time I saw him he couldn't crawl. Now he can pull a wagon.
Happy 2nd Birhtday Cooper! We hope you had a fun day! Lots of hugs and kisses.
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