Tuesday, June 2

A Saturday in Madison, GA

Patrick dropped me off in quaint Madison, GA Saturday for brunch and headed to our hotel to meet up with everyone getting in to town for the nights festivities. We had a sweet Mother Daughter (minus one Mom) brunch honoring Mandy and soon to arrive Baby Chace. It was sweet and filled with joy- and we truly enjoyed sharing in the company of our mothers, as we have such a hard time getting our schedules in sync with each other, as just friends seeing friends, let alone mother-daughter time.
The afternoon was spent catching up with friends before the wedding festivities of Mack and Jamie Lee began. Madison is a beautiful old town and we enjoyed being there, though quite HOT and humid on Saturday. Among the group of high school friends we were with, Patrick and I were the ONLY ones with even one child so it was fun for me to watch the interaction. The boys had a great time at the reception- Cooper met an older blonde hair girl and danced the night away and Carter just ate up all the attention he was getting. Mack and Jamie Lee threw a great party and seemed to really enjoy themselves too.
p.s. I now have my Picasa albums link on the top right of the blog under my quote.


Anonymous said...

Dance away Cooper.Looks like you were doing the twist.Great pictures.

Haylee said...

wish i had known y'all were gonna be in madison- my brother lives there! great pics!!!

Jellybeans Children's Boutique said...
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