Wednesday, June 17

Hot days

What's been going on with these Kisgen's?
We had a beach day where I took no camera and just played and had a blast.

Carter got his first tooth (I swear I was starting to think he did not have any in his mouth)

Carter calls for Mama and Dada

Cooper ate low country shrimp boil (home-made by Dad) and had 2 helpings of shrimp- wow is he a southern boy or what?

Oh yes, can't forget- Cooper attempted to start swim lessons since he is such the fish....but he had little interest in "learning" the correct and safe way to be in the water so basically the instructor said he did not want to waste our money and to try him again next year.

Friday night, Patrick and I have a dinner date night for our upcoming 7 YEAR wedding anniversary on Monday.

It's been approaching 100 degrees/ 105 this weekend, so lot's of AC cranking and unfortunately little playground time.

I know this was short, but I felt disconnected and uninformative of late. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Aunt Marsha