Dec. 19th- I was a bridesmaid in Allison & Matt's beautiful Christmas wedding- a weekend of sharing Allison's important day together, after nearly 13+ years of friendship. I consider myself very blessed to have Allison (and now Matt) in my life.

Dec. 20th- Our family celebrated Christmas with Pat, Deb, Meredith, Marissa, and Stephen in Duluth. It was fun watching the boys' eyes light up. Cooper got a little noisy light up gun that was the coolest thing to him, he kept calling it a "pum pum". We missed David by a couple of days, but did get to see Tom and Weesi. It was a wonderful weekend and the boys had a blast playing and going to see the lights at Lake Lanier with Gammy, Papa, Marissa, and Meredith and of course Bray-Bray and now Cocoa! Also see *Below* for a clip from our new flip video camera, if you haven't seen the flip you should really check it out. We love it!
Dec. 24th-27th- Celebrate Christmas at home. I stayed in my pajamas for a majority of the holiday weekend- that was fantastic. Our home was filled with cooking, gifts, and lots of laughter. My parents came to visit for a few days too, which made the relaxing weekend even better. Patrick got a lump of coal in his stocking (but was a joke by Santa b/c he was getting a smoker for Christmas). We got to eat his first attempt at smoked food and have a night by the firepit- wow what a great weekend and surrounded by all the joys Christmas brings. We enjoyed a nice relaxing Christmas followed Sunday by a wonderful Oyster roast at the O'briens :)
Dec. 30th- I headed over to the hospital to meet Sadie Grace's new twin baby brothers. Kayne and Gatlyn were born very healthy- Kim and the two babies all went home together within a few short days.

Dec. 31st-Jan. 3rd- We traveled to Myrtle Beach to ring in the New Year of 2010 with the Antley Family. It was soooo cold, we stayed in the condo a majority of the weekend, barely made it until midnight the first night and bed well before then every other night. Cooper and Jameson had a blast having run of the place for 3 days, with little Carter trying so hard to keep up. By time he would catch them, the big kids would be moved on to the next room or next game. Lacey and I did a little shopping, the guys conquered "blustery" golfing and we saw the beach for less then five minutes. Fantastic trip though.
Jan. 7th- Cooper had a re-evaluation with his speech therapist......he tested off the charts. At this time, he requires no more therapy sessions (not to say he will not in the future though). Cooper, we are so proud of you for your enthusiasm, patience, and amazing efforts. Thank you all so much for your continued concerns and support.
I was also home with a sick Carter Thursday and Friday, but he is better now.
Jan. 8th- I traveled to Macon for the weekend to throw a Couples Baby Shower for Tony & Tasha, expecting Colson Feb. 22nd. Paula and Carl came down and graciously stayed with the boys for us. The shower was a lot of fun and I got to make/create/share with them some of the things I am good at. They got some fantastic baby gifts too! nothing incredibly whitty or no funny story came out of this blog, but at least you are all caught up on the Kisgen Kids. January is pretty crazy for us around here, but our calendars appear mostly clear for a while. It's actually a strange feeling, but one to be very grateful for. R&R at home, here I come (well in February).
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