Myrtle Beach Fun

One would think after Disney a family would take-it-easy for a few....well not these Kisgens. Patrick had a big show in Charlotte, I traveled to meet him while Cooper and Carter stayed home with a visit from their Bump Bump and Doc. During my trip to Charlotte, I had a fantastic visit with Season and the pleasure of meeting Brighton Max Flowe...who was born Feb 22nd. He was a pure pleasure to hold and listen to blurble and watch smile.
The following weekend Patrick and Mickey were to golf all by themselves in Myrtle Beach....well Lacey, all the children, and I tagged along to invade their condo, but leave them alone. "The Dad's" (as Cooper and Jameson kept referring to them) golfed and the kids and moms played and swam and shopped. We had a great weekend!

Next, Cooper got a real big-boy bed. He had been asking for one and was getting frustrated when I tried to lay in his toddler bed that I was pretty much on top of his legs. It was much anticipated by him and he kept talking about his big boy bed. So, I found the perfect new big boy bedding and we converted his once newborn baby crib in to a beautiful full size bed. Patrick and I put the bed together and figured out how to re-configure the bedroom while Cooper was at school one afternoon.........he was so happy. He laid in bed that night singing, "I got a big boy bed, I got a big boy bed". Every time someone enters the house, he gestures come here and takes them upstairs to show it off.
Then came Memorial Day weekend. Our plans were no plans, well except to work a little in the yard and hit the pool as much as possible. Then we got a last minute visit from Tony, Tasha, and Baby Colson Wagoner. We still had pool time, lounge time, and yard time and enjoyed seeing how incredibly big and smiley Colson has gotten since we saw him last. Cooper absolutely adored him and kept calling him "my baby" and Carter, well Carter was interested for a second when he would see big brother with the baby then he did his own thing....or when I was holding Colson, Carter would do something crazy to get my attention back :) An outdoor all day Memorial Day Monday was rained out, as in most places, so we got in some R&R. It's always fun having such great friends around!

Our un-official start to Summer started off great. Having been around the two newest babies lately has made me realise that Carter is just not the baby anymore, I have been holding on to him but I think it's done....The Kisgens have only toddlers in our house.
Here are two different links to photo albums if you want to see them:
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