terrible is two? Just read the words in the title of this blog and you might get some idea of what a fun little boy at the age of 2.5 sounds like in our house. "Mom, milk NOW" what happened to his cute "pleeeease"?! We walk through the grocery store and someone is in the aisle and Cooper says "move" and Mom says "Cooper we don't say move, we say excuse me please" so Cooper then corrects himself and says, "excuse me...MOVE". Thankfully, the nice people have laughed and I embarassingly smile back.
I would like to think he has just picked up this stuff from other little "bad" boys in his new class because he was so sweet and polite up until two months ago. Now he means business. Man it's like in a matter of 3 weeks, Cooper went from two to twelve. He picked out his first Georgia Bulldog hat at the UGA store and wears it every day....usually backwards. He also does this lovely fold his arms and pout face if he is trying to talk to you and you are talking with someone else.
Yes, we have many fits and screaming but we are trying to master which technique Cooper responds positively too. A hug seems to work for now as a good distraction and to help him understand not to get sooooo upset.
He has started singing all these wonderfully cute nursery rhymes and doing the hand motions that we have been trying to teach for so long now and all of a sudden it all just clicked. So I sit here and tell you about the oh so "terrible two's" but our Cooper brings mountains more of laughter and cheer in to this home than anything else. 

Each and every day that Cooper is growing up, he is reminding me of the fun, loving, handsome man I fell in love with when we were just kids. I can't tell you how much this Cooper melts my heart.
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