Never really thought I would use that word to describe an action by "sweet" little Carter James. This morning, I left the two boys playing with firetrucks to go dry my hair and finish getting ready for work. Cooper comes in to my bathroom and repeatedly told me to turn my hairdryer off and I did not listen right away. He was persistent so I did and he immediately said "come here" with the hand motion to come on. So I reluctantly follow Cooper- he leads me to the kitchen and points while saying GooGoo......I find Carter sitting on TOP of the kitchen table, devouring a breakfast bar Cooper had left un-eaten for breakfast. So....he had scurried across the house to the kitchen, climbed on to the chair, and worked his way on top of the table. Thank goodness their is not concussion or broken limb to go along with this story. Here is a quickly taken cell phone pic of what Cooper thankfully showed me. What am I to do?

Do you remember waking me up to tell me that Kim was grocery shopping in my china cabinet? I am laughing with you and am so happy no one was hurt. Uh did Kim's tooth come through her lip?
I am so glad my two boys are true boys and no mammy pammys!They are keeping me with cute stories to tell my canasta girls.As for you Steph.grin and bere it.What great memories you and Patrick will remember.
love,grandma Pike xox
OMG - when you figure it out let me know. Thats funny how determined one year old boys can be! They know what they want!
that is hilarious!!! :)
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