This year, Cooper shared his big 3rd Birthday with the celebration of Easter on April 4th. Friends came over Saturday afternoon to celebrate with him. It was an awesome Birthday as his parents too, as he is of an age now that he knew the entire celebration was all about him...he knew his friends were coming over to play for HIS birthday and he knew there would be presents and he knew he was getting a special cake all about him. He was overwhelmed, but so incredibly appreciative. Oh what a blessing these children are and the pure joy they bring!!!! Cooper thus far in life is showing a true creative side that is fascinating, but most of all he loves life, loves telling stories, loves being loud and free! We are so excited for all the growing and learning we get to do together this year....
if we don't learn more as Cooper's parents, we will quickly be defeated!
As you might have learned Cooper has been in "Toy Story" mania, thus he wanted his cake to look like Woody, not Buzz. Somehow I managed to get the only "Toy Story" cake available in all of Savannah/Pooler for a special little boy. Due to the fact my cake decorator Mom was recovering from foot surgery she was unable to prepare this year's masterpiece for us, so we resorted to the pickings of some wonderful bakeries, but due to copywright laws they are only allowed to make what is provided to them and Toy Story is in the process of coming out with new and discontinued the old.....geez I tell you. It was adorable and delicious!

Cooper was given some wonderful games, toys, and other gifts for his birthday and knew that everyone cared about him and paid attention to the things he enjoys. One particular item that he had been asking for since probably the beginning of January was a piano. Everyday, "Mom I getting a piano for my Birthday". We decided a keyboard was a great alternative since it was not quite time for a Baby Grand to enter our home. I wish you could have seen his face.....but the video below is even better. Cooper quickly learned that a keyboard not only plays music like a piano but also includes a huge variety of pre-mixed beats. He taught us some new breakdance moves on his first day as a pianist. Enjoy! It was very hard for us to film this video, as we were holding our breath to not make background noise while holding in our laughter. Sadly the best floor kicks were beneath the video camera- I have no doubt he will be willing to show them to us again some time.
Easter Sunday was an incredible day! After church the boys had a huge Easter Egg Hunt with the neighbors and I prepared a feast. The boys had several Easter Egg Hunt practices- Carter was the winner in his class of 1.5 year olds for finding the most eggs (at a count of 22 eggs), so they were ready to tear off their Easter clothes and fill their baskets outside in the beautiful weather. Carter had such a busy day he fell asleep for what we thought was a cat-nap at 5:30....we kept checking and waiting to see if he was going to get up to join us for Easter dinner but he slept until 7:00 Monday morning.
I think the "Easter pictures" closely resemble last year's attempts at brother pictures in their "Easter best"......they would not sit still or pose for the camera at the same time. I have been tempted to put them back in their Easter clothes and see if I might catch a shot again....no one would know but me, right? Love these guys with all the heart I have.

We Kisgens hope you and your families enjoyed each other and the wonderful celebration of life and peace!
Sooooo cute!! I am glad you all had such a good Easter and Cooper had such a fun birthday!!!
Where did our little boy Cooper go???
The birthday picture of him looks like a 5 year old!! He is growing way too fast! Put a brick on his head, please!
Our Love ,
Bump Bump and Doc
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