We made a visit to Macon to meet Baby Colson Anthony Wagoner who was born on 2/15/09 (I won the "guess Colson's actual birth day" money pot we made at the baby shower by the way...and no it was no rigged). He was so sweet and little, very good baby. My parents met us to meet Colson and to have the boys spend the night -Cooper and Carter wanted to meet little baby "cupcake" for a few minutes but we opted not to have them bombard the Wagoner's home with loudness andrunny noses for two days. A few moments stand out to me, and one was watching the new Mom and Dad figure out and take all the time of what all to bring, how to best do it, getting in and out of the car, etc etc just to get out of the house for a little while. I tried really hard not to just spurt out "you should do this" or "I did it like this" but let them figure it out. He's another little angel we get the opportunity to know.

A visit to Tuscaloosa, AL was long overdue. Schedules had conflicted and delayed a trip to spend time with Papa Kisgen (approaching 93). We were not too sure of how the visit would go with a nearly 3 year old and 18 month old taking over ALL of his personal space and neat and tidy belongings. Patrick and I stayed on our toes making sure nothing was destroyed, things were immediately placed higher or out of sight from little tiny hands. It was amazing, it was probably less than two minutes of entering Papa's apartment that those little eyes and hands went reaching. We got a wonderful tour of the Alabama campus, were treated to delicious local BBQ, and just had some quality time with Papa. The boys honestly seemed to be the craziest children I had ever encountered in my time as their mother most of the weekend, but Papa took to them well and was incredibly patient and kind. We left with Cooper and Carter just loving their Great Papa so much. We always leave our visits with Papa so incredibly thankful for having him in our lives, and educated on more fascinating stories from time past.
I must tell you about Buzz. Cooper's first official toy he had been asking for and got to go to the store and pick out. It was a reward for officially completing potty training (number two had been a quite difficult accomplishment). A trip to the toy store was also necessary during the visit to Papa's as Cooper could not sit still or calm any longer and something needed to grab his attention. So without prompting from his Dad, Cooper kept declaring "I want Buzz". They walk in to the store and Cooper continues his "I want Buzz Dad I want Buzz" without even recognizing that he was in an aisle full of Buzz Lightyear action figures. When Patrick turned him around he was stunned silent. It was the most excited I had really ever seen him waiting for Buzz Lightyear to be taken out of the box. He has never really been attached to anything, so it's new to watch something actually grab his full attention.

We made a 2.5 day pit stop in Atlanta following Tuscaloosa (I had to work and Cooper and Carter got to visit Gammy and Papa...plus Marissa and all the doggies running around). Buzz was attached to Cooper for the first few days he had him and during his visit he looked over to Gammy and said "Buzz is the favorite toy I ever met". He continues to tell me that. I think Cooper and Carter fully succeeded in wearing out their Grandparents, but nonetheless enjoyed their trip.
Easter festivities are under way and began with a frigid morning Easter Egg Hunt at Daniel Defense. Was a good time, with an appearance from the Easter Bunny and Mickey and Minnie Mouse. For me, the event began with a realization that it was 15-20 degrees colder than I dressed myself and family for, so drove back home to get jackets, pants in place of shorts, shoes in place of sandals, etc. I guess the 74 degree temperatures from the day before threw me off a little! Cooper and Carter quickly discovered that there might be candy inside the eggs this year!
OMG!! Really don't know where to begin, other than to say... THANK YOU for doing such a great, awesome job of keeping us all connected!!!
Love ALL of the updates and great details. Feel as if we were there for each event!
Love you all,
Bump Bump & Doc
How precious. I can't wait to see the boys at the end of April. Hope you all have a great weekend and Cooper has a Teriffic Three B-day. Kisses to all. GiGi
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