Tuesday, August 10

2 Granparents, 2 toddler boys, 5 days

My mother has been asking me probably since January if she could keep the Grandson's for a week this summer. I just was not super excited about them being away from me that long and out of their regular environment. Well summer was in full swing and I finally said o.k. Mom why not, they will love it, you will be exhausted, I will have a quiet house.... sure sounds pretty good. I prepared and packed them for all occasions and worried my little head off that they were going to be a huge handful for my parents (aka GG and GG Steve), getting in to everything, not eating well, not sleeping well. Well I was happy to hear reports each day and the great stories when they came home. I still have yet to see many photos, but I am sure the ones my parents have in their heads will last them a long time. They went up on a Wednesday and I met them and picked them up Sunday.

Between the exchange Cooper and Carter's grandparents left no day un-fun:

-Their make-shift room was decked out with Toy Story sheets
-They had many dips in the pool
-They visited Great Grandma
-They visited the "Wild Animal Safari" in Pine Mountain, GA
-They had a bouncy time at Monkey Joes
-They went to GG Steve's favorite breakfast place

From each my Mom, Dad and Grandmother, I received sweet wonderful emails about how good our little boys were. They listened and knew when it was time to straighten up but most of all kept themselves and everyone smiling. I'm allowed to gloat from good reports, right?

What did I do? Well I really only had one full night to do whatever as I was off to a weekend with girlfriends. I stopped off for a quick grocery store trip, did a super quick house clean, went to the gym, went and had a delic Sushi dinner, then read an entire magazine in a bubble bath and went to bed early. Wow it was a great night to myself!
A funny picture from my Mom that was titled "new use for duct tape".

A picture taken from inside the car at the Animal Safari. They fed giraffes, buffalo, cows, etc.I suppose summer stays with the Grandparents are pretty standard, that's why those silly suitcases were made that say "Going to Grandma's" right?


Anonymous said...

I'm working on the pictures this weekend. Promise. And they were just precious the whole time.

Anonymous said...

Grandma Pike just wanted to eat them up.There mom and dad are doing a great job as parents.